Wednesday, February 6, 2013

2013-14 School Calendar

The school district provided the proposed 2013-14 School Calendar to the District Accountability Committee on Monday night.  The calendar is now out for teacher review/comments and will then go before the school board for approval on Tuesday, Feb. 19th at 7pm.  If you have comments on the proposed calendar, we encourage you to attend the school board meeting on Feb. 19th.  Click the highlighted link to see the proposed calendar.  

Last year A-PAGE did a district wide parent survey to gather parent input on a variety of school calendar options.  The results of that survey can be found here.  The survey showed that most parents preferred early release activities to be scheduled on Friday's.  Also, most parents desired alignment of spring break with both Adams State and with other school districts in the valley.  Last year this input made no significant impact on the 2012-13 school calendar.  This year's proposed calendar is much the same.  The only items incorporated from the parent survey were:

  • Consistent schedule for early release days (same day every week, but not the day preferred by most parents)
  • Alignment of spring break with other valley districts (but not Adams State)

Additional items to note regarding the proposed calendar:

  • Early Release day has been moved to Wednesdays.
  • Early Release time has been moved back an additional hour to a 12:45 release time for Elementary, 12:55 release time for Secondary, almost doubling the early release time.
  • School is out the entire week of Thanksgiving.
  • School starts in the fall on a Friday.

Since parent input from the parent calendar survey does not appear to be considered, we highly recommend that you attend the Feb. 19th School Board meeting to provide your input.  The school board meeting begins at 7pm at the District Office (209 Victoria Avenue – next OMS). You must arrive 5 minutes early and sign up with the secretary to speak during the meeting. You will get 3 minutes to address the board. This section of the meeting occurs shortly after the start of the meeting. 

If you are unable to attend the school board meeting, consider contacting any/all school board members by phone prior to the meeting.  You can find the school board member names and phone numbers here: School Board Reps

If you have any questions about the process, we are more than happy to answer any questions by emailing us at

The Alamosa Parent Advocacy Group for Education (A-PAGE) committee.

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